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AMMF is a registered UK charity dedicated to cholangiocarcinoma, working throughout the UK and Europe, and collaborating globally.

AMMF’s website, available in English and a number of European languages, includes a wealth of information and resources for patients and their carers: https://ammf.org.uk/ and https://ammf-eu.org/

The C3 is a partnership among patients, caregivers, oncologists and researchers which was formed to grow hope in patients and families affected by cholangiocarcinoma. Through a dedicated Research Navigator, the C3 provides patient support, Canadian specific resources, access to molecular testing, expert opinions, and opportunities to participate in on-going research programs. The C3 was founded in 2023 and is funded through a 5 year Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Breakthrough Team Grant. For more information please visit the C3 website or get in touch with the Research Navigator (info@cholangio.ca).

The C3's website: https://www.cholangio.ca

Liver Canada's mandate is to promote liver health and reduce the incidence and impact of liver disease by providing support for research and education into the causes, diagnoses, prevention, and treatment of liver disease.

Liver Canada's website: https://www.liver.ca/

The Colorectal Cancer Resource & Action Network (CCRAN) is a national, patient-focused advocacy group championing the health and wellbeing of Canadians touched by colorectal cancer and others at risk of developing the disease. CCRAN provides support, education, and advocacy to patients (and their caregivers) to help improve patients’ quality of life, as well as their longevity.

CCRAN has recently expanded its patient-focused mandate to serve a population of patients with cancer outside of the colorectal cancer space through its HTA patient evidence submissions, educational events and advocacy initiatives to help reduce the burden of cancer in Canada.

CCRAN's website: https://www.ccran.org/

The CanCertainty Coalition is the united voice of more than 30 Canadian patient groups, cancer health charities, and caregiver organizations from across the country, joining together with oncologists and cancer care professionals to improve the affordability and accessibility of cancer treatment.

We are committed to ensuring all Canadians have CanCertainty – certainty that if cancer strikes them or their loved ones they will have fair and equal access to cancer treatment – no matter their age, cancer type, treatment type or where they live.

CanCertainty's website: https://www.cancertaintyforall.ca/

The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation (CCF) is based in the United States and was founded in 2006 by a family who lost a loved one to cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). CCF is a powerful voice for CCA and has grown to become one of the leading global resources in research, education and public awareness. Their mission is to find a cure and improve the quality of life for those affected by CCA.

CCF's website: https://cholangiocarcinoma.org/

Genomic Focus helps you find personalized options to fight cancer – for free. Simply upload your biomarker test report. Our focus is on YOU – we don’t partner with anyone for profit.

Genomic Focus's website: https://www.genomicfocus.com/

The International Liver Cancer Movement (ILCM) is the first ever global movement in liver cancer, bringing together patient orgs/communities, medical societies, policy makers, the private sector and other actors to work together, share resource and co-create to advocate for prevention, early detection and access to care worldwide.

ILCM's website: https://ilcm.global

MedAccess BC is a coalition of 30 chronic disease specific non-profit organizations and other groups, representing over two million constituents. Their mandate is to improve patient outcomes by increasing timely and equitable access to evidence-based prescription medications, medical technologies and treatments for people of British Columbia.

MedAccess BC's website: https://www.medaccessbc.org

OncoHelix performs precision or personalized oncology. This is the practice of using biomarkers or genomic sequencing from the person’s tissue sample to guide diagnosis and optimal treatment. These biomarkers are like the individual’s fingerprint that show the changes in a tumor or within the person with cancer. This opens up the possibilities of having a tailored treatment directed at the found biomarkers. This treatment may extend or even cure the cancer.

Oncohelix's website: https://www.oncohelix.org

Thank You To Our Sponsors!
Disclaimer: The information on this website is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for professional medical advice.

©2025 Cholangio-Hepatocellular Carcinoma Canada
Charitable Registration Number 709631014 RR 0001